I love a bit of a singsong me, there is always an earworm in my mind or a whistle on my lips and put a song I like on the radio and I will blast it out no matter where I am, kitchen, bathroom, shower or supermarket, I really don’t care. So, Karaoke is made for me. Not the trashy pub karaoke found in the UK, where you spend two hours listening to various stray cats strutting before getting your one chance to impress a baying and drunken hoard, but the Japanese Karaoke, a little room, a choice of just about any song under the sun and just your karaoke chums to share the floor with. But, my little guilty pleasure, my little secret, is karaoke on my own. When I tell people this, they think I'm crazy, ‘surely the whole fun of karaoke is the social aspect’ they say, ‘can’t you just sing in the shower like anyone else’ they say. But no, it’s not the same. Imagine it, sixty minutes, that’s about 13 songs, no need to listen to anyone else’s attempts, no need to share the mic, no pressure to be at least semi-decent. You can sing anything, find out what’s good for your voice and find out what’s bad. You can destroy songs and realise it, or murder songs but convince yourself you sound exactly like the original artistes.
There is only one downside. Halfway through, I needed to pop to the toilet, I discovered as I was slowly walked down the hall, that I could hear all the wailing alley cats in all the other rooms, those booths are not soundproof at all!
If you enjoy this, please buy my book. It's cheaper on Amazon but if you can buy it from the publisher direct it is better for them and might get me a second one published.
If you enjoy this, please buy my book. It's cheaper on Amazon but if you can buy it from the publisher direct it is better for them and might get me a second one published.
I’d be with you....oh........