A note about cool biz

Today is a sad day, a day that I hoped would never come. All days after today get progressively more uncomfortable and nothing can be done. October 18th will ever be etched in my mind as the day the world changed forever. For today is the end of ‘Cool Biz’. 
What is Cool Biz I hear you ask? In a world of excess packaging, plastic bottles and a plethora of throw-away tat, (wait for my Halloween post) Cool Biz is Japan’s seemingly only attempt to halt global warming. From May to October, the government’s cool biz policy allows men to ditch their jackets and ties and go to work in short-sleeved shirts. How this affects the environment I am not quite sure because when it is 38 degrees C and 95% humidity outside the aircon is on whether you are wearing a suit and tie or just a pair of socks. Anyway, I am not grumbling, Cool Biz has allowed me to go to work in just a pair of socks for the last 6 weeks. Okay, maybe that is an exaggeration, but certainly no jacket or tie, which gives a certain sense of freedom. But from today, and till the end of my contract, the shackles are on, I feel like a prisoner moved from an open prison to a high security unit. Like summer, Cool Biz has passed and the jacket and tie are allegories of the winter months ahead. Actually, what the hell am I talking about, this heat has been killing me and a jacket and tie are a small price to pay for temperatures below 20 degree, bring on Uncool Biz.

If you enjoy this, please buy my book. It's cheaper on Amazon but if you can buy it from the publisher direct it is better for them and might get me a second one published. 

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